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Help us to acknowledge Lake County’s fantastic DSPs and all of their wonderful work on behalf of the individuals they serve!

The Lake County Board of DD/Deepwood would like to show our appreciation for the DSPs who are providing exceptional services throughout Lake County. Each month, we will choose up to three DSPs from nominations received to be formally recognized as the DSP of the Month.  The three categories will be:

  1.  Waiver Agency / ICF DSP (Residential)
  2. Independent Provider
  3. Day Service DSP

DSPs and/or Independent Providers can be nominated by individuals receiving services, family members/guardians, Waiver Agency Provider or ICF Employers, County Board employees and even other Providers.

The winners will receive a $25 gift card with a certificate of recognition. Each winner will be recognized and their story highlighted through LCBDD social media channels and on our website.

This monthly recognition program will be ongoing and will culminate in a yearly event for all the DSPs of the Month and we will choose a DSP of the Year!

Fill out the form below and nominate someone today!  All nominations are due by the 20th of each month for consideration for the following month. Winning DSPs will be featured on the DSP of the Month page.

    Independent ProviderWaiver Agency/ICF Staff (Residential)Agency Staff-Day Services

    I am the individual servedParent/GuardianFamily MemberCounty Board Staff MemberOther Provider

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