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To express interest in a Request for Provider (RFP), please compete the respective RFP form. Include your company name and any applicable information in the comments field on the form. You will receive an email confirming that your RFP response was received. Thank you!

0347: 0347 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is looking for a HPC provider to help with appointments and errands, preferably on Thursdays, but he is flexible with when he’s able to work with his providers.

0346: 0346 – Residential Respite – IO Waiver

This Individual is a 22-year-old male who resides with his family in Concord Township. He is seeking residential respite services, Tuesdays from 10:30am-2pm (to be taken to waffle house and Equine Therapy) and Fridays from 11:30am-4:00pm (to be taken to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame).

0345: 0345 – NMT – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for an NMT provider to take him to and from his home in Painesville to his job in Painesville. He works Monday-Thursday 8am-1:30pm.

0344: 0344 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is seeking in home HPC services to begin working on independent living skills (e.g., cooking safety, household chores, etc.) a few nights a week. Days and hours of services to be scheduled with family.

0343: 0343 – GES – IO Waiver

This individual is a 28-year-old female seeking a provider for group employment support.

0342: 0342 – ATQ – IO Waiver

Assistive technology – smoke detector for hearing impaired.

0341: 0341 – NMT HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for NMT on Saturdays (typical work schedule is 7:30am to 3:30pm), and HPC and HPC Transportation to assist with transportation to/from doctor appointments about once a month.

0340: 0340 – HPC Residential Respite – IO Waiver

Individual is a 23-year-old male seeking a Residential Respite provider to provide him service in his home, beginning with Thursdays from 11:00am – 6:00pm, with some possible flexibility.

0339: 0339 – HPC in an established Congregate Setting – Level One Waiver

28-year-old female individual looking for a congregate setting to move into, preferably in the Lake County area. Individual would need 24-hour supervision, unless attending day program. Individual will also need transportation to access the community.

0338: 0338 – NMT – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of NMT services.

0337: 0337 – EAA – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of a bathroom modification.

0336: 0336 – EAA – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of a bathroom modification.

0335: 0335 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Looking for an HPC provider for a female in her early twenties living in Mentor, Ohio.  Individual would like someone to go on community outings with her such as; movies, nails, shopping, ect. Looking for services 2-4x a month. Individual is flexible with hours.

0334: 0334 – HPC – IO Waiver

This individual is a 49-year-old male in search of a 24/7 HPC provider.  He needs daily assistance for all ADLs, as well as transportation to and from doctors’ appointments and community activities.

0333: 0333 – HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of HPC & Transportation.

0332: 0332 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of HPC services.

0331: 0331 – HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is 27-year-old male who lives in Painesville.  He requires physical assistance with ADL’s.  He is looking for HPC services every other week.  Days needed are Friday (8am-6pm) and Saturday (9am-7pm).  Individual is easy going, has a great sense of humor, and kind. He would like a provider who is a non-smoker and engaging. Prefers a male provider but not necessary.  The family has cats and four dogs.  Provider must have a clean background check.

0330: 0330 – ADS – Level One Waiver

Individual is looking for an ADS program to attend 5 days/week.

0329: 0329 – HPC ATN – Level One Waiver

Individual is in search of FPC and FTN Services.

0328: 0328 – EAA – IO Waiver

PT recommends a walk-in shower modification for the individual as she is not able to raise her leg over a tub to enter into existing shower.  An elevated toilet with armrests is also recommended for the bathroom in her private apartment.

0327: 0327 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of overnight HPC – Level 1 Waiver.

0326: 0326 – EAA – IO Waiver

The individual is a 60-year-old female and is diagnosed with spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis.  The individual has recently been using a wheelchair at all times due to increased falling.  She has declined to try to ambulate for several months now due to fear of falling.  She is able to bear weight for transfers.  She has a shower chair with wheels but the shower in her current bathroom has a 5” lip.  The bathroom is too small for staff to safely transfer Teresa into the shower chair if were put right inside the shower space and Teresa cannot navigate the lip.  Her PT recommends a barrier free shower so that she can roll right in.  Currently she has to rely on staff to bed bathe her.

0325: 0325 – ADS Voc Hab – IO Waiver

28-year-old female looking to explore a new day program. Individual is looking for 3-4 days a week. Individual is interested in ADS and/or Voc. Hab. Individual needs assistance with uneven surfaces and long distances.

0324: 0324 – Voc Hab – IO Waiver

This individual is searching for a Voc Hab program. The individual is looking to attend 2x/week.

0323: 0323 – HPC – HCBS Waiver

HPC and HPC Transportation.  Hours to be discussed upon response.

0322: 0322 – EAA – Level One Waiver

The individual is a 15-year-old female who lives in Mentor-on-the-Lake with her family. She is diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. She relies on a manual wheelchair and the assistance of others for all mobility related tasks. Currently her parents carry and transfer her to a Rifton bath chair in the bathtub to bathe her and then have to transfer her out of the bathroom by carrying her.  This is unsafe for the individual and her parents.  There is another bathroom that she could access in a wheeled shower chair, but it needs modified as it currently has a shower stall and a sunken bathtub.  A PT assessment recommends a walk-in shower that would accommodate a wheeled shower chair.

0321: 0321 – EAA – IO Waiver

The individual is a 10-year-old female who lives in Willoughby Hills with her family. She is diagnosed with CP, Cortical Visual Impairment and Seizures. She is verbal and can maneuver around the home and in the community in her power wheelchair.  Currently she is unable to access her bathroom in her power chair so there is a PT recommendation that the doorway be widened.  In addition, her current roll in shower is not sloped properly so that the floor is flooding during showers making the space unsafe for her caregivers and herself.  It is requested and recommended by PT that the shower be sloped properly and also flooring be installed that will not be slippery when wet. 

0320: 0320 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is looking for a male HPC provider every other Saturday (or 2 Saturdays a month) to go out into the community; walk throughout the mall, go out to eat, etc.

0319: 0319 – HPC – IO Waiver

Individual needs HPC staff to take him to events in the community 1-2 times per week.

0318: 0318 – NMT – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for an NMT provider to take him to and from his home in Willowick to his job in mentor.  The individual works M-Th 11:30am-2:00pm.

0317: 0317 – ADS NMT – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of ADS program & NMT.

0316: 0316 – Voc Hab ADS – IO Waiver

Looking for a new Voc Hab/ADS program. Will need NMT supports to and from location.  

0315: 0315 – Respite/ HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of Respite services.

0314: 0314 – AAE – Level One Waiver

In search of a provider to provide a specialized chair (not typical wheelchair) for a 22-year-old. The chair would be used at day program to assist during times where the individual is more likely to have a seizure and ensure safety at times when a staff cannot be right next to the individual due to likelihood of drop seizures occurring.   

0313: 0313 – ADS NMT – SELF Waiver

Individual is looking for an ADS program 5x weekly as well as a NMT provider 10 trips weekly.

0312: 0312 – HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for HPC services in the Madison area, up to 15 hours/week.  Individual drives his own car so will not need ATN services.

0311: 0311 – ADS Voc Hab – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for an ADS/Voc Hab program for participation in 2 days per week.

0310: 0310 – Money Management – IO Waiver

74-year-old male looking for a money management provider.

0309: 0309 – HPC – IO Waiver

21-year-old male seeking homemaker personal care supports within his home to provide general supports, and access to community outings and activities. Individual is seeking 1-3 visits per month for 4-5 hours per session during school hours, and increased supports during school breaks (winter, spring, and summer breaks).

0308: 0308 – EAA – Level One Waiver

13-year-old individual who is seeking environmental modification to his home to provide Lexan on windows within his home to provide safety for him in the event of a window breaking.

0307: 0307 – HPC – Level One Waiver

13-year-old male seeking homemaker personal care supports within his home to provide general supports, and access to community outings and activities. Individual is seeking 1-2 visits per month during school hours, and increased supports during school breaks (winter, spring, and summer breaks).

0306: 0306 – Group Employment – IO Waiver

Looking for a group employment or vocational habilitation program, for a male.  Hours needed are Tues/Thurs 10AM-2PM and all-day Friday.   
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