Our Service and Support Administration (SSA) team determines eligibility for locally funded services and Medicaid funded support programs for people with developmental disabilities who have been determined eligible for County Board of DD services. They work closely with other agencies and organizations that provide services to make sure needs are being met and help individuals and their families identify and receive the services needed for a safe and healthy lifestyle.
When a person applies and becomes eligible for County Board services, they are assigned an SSA. Together, they begin the process of identifying their needs. Then, they develop an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) to meet those needs. SSAs often help families with the many questions they have about what services are available and how to access those services.
SSAs work with individuals and families in the following areas:
- Identifying needs, concerns, and goals of individuals and/or families
- Developing a customized Individualized Service Plan (ISP)
- Monitoring the progress of the ISP to ensure services are effective and maintain the individual’s health and safety
- Providing options for service providers and community resources
- Assisting with residential needs
- Family and Support Services
- Transition Services
- Employment Navigation
- Specialized Services or Mental Health Services Case Coordination
- Service Resources and Funding
- Finding a Provider
- Remote Supports
- DODD Online ICF Search Tool
- DODD Electronic ICF Informational Booklet
- Providing referrals in areas such as Social Security, guardianship, Medicaid, waiting lists, and much more.
Due Process
The SSA department ensures that each individual and their family/guardian understands the right to disagree with any decisions made about services or decisions that affect services. SSA reviews this information annually, as well as each time a decision affects services for the individual.
If at any time it’s believed that the decisions made about services are not in line with the best interest of the individual served by the County Board, the individual or family/guardian have the right use the County Board due process procedure to resolve or appeal decisions.
Call LCBDD/Deepwood Service and Support Administration at (440) 350-5142 or email [email protected] for more information.
- Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI)
- Disability Rights Ohio
- DODD County Board Support
- Guardianship: Probate Court of Lake County
- IEP Planning
- STABLE Account
- Social Security – Government Website
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
- Employment First
- Ohio Department of Medicaid
- Find a Provider for Participant Directed Services under SELF Waiver
Service Funding
Provider Services
Waitlist for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)