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RFP Number: 0221

RE: Client # 0221

DESCRIPTION of NEEDED SERVICES: This individual is looking for a Money Management provider to manage personal funds and maintain benefits.   


DEADLINE TO RESPOND: To be considered for an interview, please submit a response through the RFP portal. Be sure to include the referral (RFP) number, and your contact information in your response.  RFPs are active in the portal for two weeks from date of posting.

DESCRIPTION of INDIVIDUAL: This is 30-year-old gentlemen living in a congregate setting.  He is verbal and able to identify things he wants/needs but requires assistance with managing finances and benefits.

PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS: A provider would need to be certified in Money Management and be able to assist with personal funds, direct deposit, bills, and maintaining benefits including SSI, SNAP, and Medicaid.

DIAGNOSES: Mild ID, Schizo-Effective Bipolar Disorder, Developmental Delay, PTSD

HOUSING: lives with 2 other roommates in a group home

DAY PROGRAM:  No day program or work at this time

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