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RFP Number: 0337

RFP # 0337

DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES: The individual is a 13-year-old male and is diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and muscle weakness.  He is non-ambulatory but can bear weight.  He lives at home with his parents and siblings.  He is unable to access his current bathroom with his wheelchair due to the doorway being too narrow.  So, a parent transfers him to another wheeled chair that fits through the doorway and then transfers him to a shower chair placed in the bathtub.  This is very difficult and unsafe for both he and his parents.  A recent PT assessment has made the following recommendations in regard to a bathroom modification:  widening the doorway for wheelchair access which will involve using the space where a linen closet currently exists; removing the tub; installing a roll in shower; repositioning the toilet and providing grab bars for both the toilet and the shower area.  Installing a sink and vanity designed for a wheelchair user so he could more independently complete his own hygiene activities; install slip resistant flooring and shelving in shower for supplies as he cannot be left unattended in the shower.  The assessment details can be shared with any interested providers upon request.


DEADLINE TO RESPOND: To be considered for an interview, please submit a response through the RFP portal. Be sure to include the referral (RFP) number, and your contact information in your response.  RFPs are active in the portal for two weeks from date of posting.

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