RFP Number: 0340
RE: Client # 0340
DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES: Individual is a 23-year-old male seeking a Residential Respite provider to provide him service in his home, beginning with Thursdays from 11:00am – 6:00pm, with some possible flexibility. The goal is to eventually transition to HPC services when the parents move from the home and the individual successfully transitions to working with staff.
DEADLINE TO RESPOND: To be considered for an interview, please submit a response through the RFP portal. Be sure to include the referral (RFP) number, and your contact information in your response. RFPs are active in the portal for two weeks from date of posting.
DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL: The individual communicates with limited verbal ability, often using 2–5-word phrases along with gestures, facial expressions, and sounds to express needs and feelings. He is independent in mobility, toileting, and eating, needing no assistive devices or equipment. When confronted or feeling a lack of control, he may become agitated and has occasionally engaged in physical outbursts or property damage, though this has not happened recently. He responds well to calm voices and positive redirection. Struggling with OCD, he fixates on neighborhood events, such as the garbage truck passing by, and has difficulty leaving the house. He enjoys sitting outside when the weather is nice. His parents aim to transition him to HPC services and eventually move from the home, but they emphasize the need for consistent staff to ensure a smooth adjustment period for him. He has seizure approximately every 30 days for which he has a PRN medication, administered nasally.
PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS: Medication Administration Certification for oral and inhaled medications required
TRANSPORTATION NEEDS: Non-modified vehicle
DIAGNOSES: Autism, OCD, Epilepsy with intractable epilepsy, pharma-resistant, ADHD, Mood Disorder NOS
HOUSING: Family home in Wickliffe