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RFP Number: 0343

RE: Client # 0343

DESCRIPTION of NEEDED SERVICES:  This individual is a 28-year-old female seeking a provider for group employment support.


DEADLINE TO RESPOND: To be considered for an interview, please submit a response through the RFP portal. Be sure to include the referral (RFP) number, and your contact information in your response.  RFPs are active in the portal for two weeks from date of posting.

DESCRIPTION of INDIVIDUAL: Individual has a desire to work in a salon setting.  She has been participating in a vocational habilitation program for several years but wants to pursue group employment supports to increase her work skills to move toward competitive integrated employment.  Seeking group employment supports for part-time employment.  She is verbal and ambulatory.  Does not like the cold or loud environments.

PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS: A provider would provide needed ISP services as determined at the ISP meeting. 

DIAGNOSES: Down Syndrome

HOUSING: Currently lives by herself in Madison

DAY PROGRAM:  Attends VH program 3-4 days/week

SUPPORTS NEEDED:  Group Employment Support


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