RFP Number: 0346
RE: Client # 0346
DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES: This Individual is a 22-year-old male who resides with his family in Concord Township. He is seeking residential respite services, Tuesdays from 10:30am-2pm (to be taken to waffle house and Equine Therapy) and Fridays from 11:30am-4:00pm (to be taken to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame).
DEADLINE TO RESPOND: To be considered for an interview, please submit a response through the RFP portal. Be sure to include the referral (RFP) number, and your contact information in your response. RFPs are active in the portal for two weeks from date of posting.
DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL: Individual is a 22-year-old male residing with his family in Concord Township. This individual is safest within auditory supervision at home, Close and Constant Supervision, (within arms-length) in the community. He can effectively, verbally communicate with others and can make daily decisions and tell you when he would like to participate. He is able to complete personal care tasks with verbal prompting, and requires assistance with meal planning, completing purchases and light and heavy cleaning. The individual may exhibit violent ideation and/or sexualized behaviors, and benefits from verbal redirection to a different area or private room away from the trigger, in circumstances where he is experiencing violent ideation or sexual arousal. This individual has no reported instances of causing harm to others. Communicating using “First….then” language when asking him to do something, is very important to this individual or he will be resistant. He enjoys many activities with his family, such as community outings (especially at the rock and Roll Hall of Fame), eating in restaurants, playing video games and going to the park to swing.
PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS: A provider would need to be able to deliver all ISP services as determined at the ISP meeting.
TRANSPORTATION NEEDS: Non-modified vehicle.
DIAGNOSES: Autism; Oppositional Defiant Disorder; Anxiety; PTSD; Tachycardia, Tourette’s, Anxiety, Under-socialized Conduct Disorder, Malnutrition, Chronic Swimmer’s Ear, Polydipsia (excessive thirst or the urge to drink fluids constantly), Pre-mature Ventricular Contraction. Mild ID.
HOUSING: resides in a single-family home with his family in Concord Township