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To express interest in a Request for Provider (RFP), please compete the respective RFP form. Include your company name and any applicable information in the comments field on the form. You will receive an email confirming that your RFP response was received. Thank you!

0352: 0352 – HPC – IO Waiver

DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SERVICES: Provider needed for a home in Mentor. 24/7 services needed for 2 females outside of day...Read More

0351: 0351 – EAA – IO Waiver

Request for walk in shower modification

0326: 0326 – EAA – IO Waiver

Bathroom modification request

0350: 0350 – EAA – IO Waiver

Modification of bathroom to include widened doorway and shower stall.

0349: 0349 – EAA – Level One Waiver

Seeking a walk in shower that would accommodate a wheeled shower chair.

0348: 0348 – HPC – IO Waiver

Female individual is looking for congregate setting

0346: 0346 – Home Delivered Meals – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for a home delivered meal provider to provide up to 14  meals weekly. Individual lives in Willowick, OH 44092. Individual is working to follow a diabetic diet.

0345: 0345 – Money Management – IO Waiver

Individual is currently in need of individual/agency to complete IRS taxes annually, update benefit documentation including SSI and Medicaid as needed. 

0344: 0344 – Money Management – IO Waiver

This individual is looking for a Money Management provider to manage personal funds and maintain benefits. 

0343: 0343 – Money Management – IO Waiver

This individual is looking for a Money Management provider to manage personal funds and maintain benefits.   

0342: 0342 – PDHPC – Self Waiver

Individual seeks a PD-HPC provider experienced with youth that have Autism to provide in-home and community care. 

0341: 0341 – Employment – IO Waiver

43 year old male seeking group employment for janitorial work

0340: 0340 – HPC – Level Waiver

Assisting the individual in community outings such as going to the movies or out to dinner or lunch and or meeting with his girlfriend.

0349: 0349 – Employment – IO Waiver

This individual is a 37 year old female seeking a provider for group employment support.

: 0348 – ADS – IO Waiver

Individual seeking part time ADS and NMT transportation in modified vehicle. Individual is wheelchair dependent.

0347: 0347 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is looking for a HPC provider to help with appointments and errands, preferably on Thursdays, but he is flexible with when he’s able to work with his providers.

0346: 0346 – Residential Respite – IO Waiver

This Individual is a 22-year-old male who resides with his family in Concord Township. He is seeking residential respite services, Tuesdays from 10:30am-2pm (to be taken to waffle house and Equine Therapy) and Fridays from 11:30am-4:00pm (to be taken to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame).

0345: 0345 – NMT – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for an NMT provider to take him to and from his home in Painesville to his job in Painesville. He works Monday-Thursday 8am-1:30pm.

0344: 0344 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is seeking in home HPC services to begin working on independent living skills (e.g., cooking safety, household chores, etc.) a few nights a week. Days and hours of services to be scheduled with family.

0343: 0343 – GES – IO Waiver

This individual is a 28-year-old female seeking a provider for group employment support.

0342: 0342 – ATQ – IO Waiver

Assistive technology – smoke detector for hearing impaired.

0341: 0341 – NMT HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is looking for NMT on Saturdays (typical work schedule is 7:30am to 3:30pm), and HPC and HPC Transportation to assist with transportation to/from doctor appointments about once a month.

0340: 0340 – HPC Residential Respite – IO Waiver

Individual is a 23-year-old male seeking a Residential Respite provider to provide him service in his home, beginning with Thursdays from 11:00am – 6:00pm, with some possible flexibility.

0339: 0339 – HPC in an established Congregate Setting – Level One Waiver

28-year-old female individual looking for a congregate setting to move into, preferably in the Lake County area. Individual would need 24-hour supervision, unless attending day program. Individual will also need transportation to access the community.

0338: 0338 – NMT – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of NMT services.

0337: 0337 – EAA – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of a bathroom modification.

0336: 0336 – EAA – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of a bathroom modification.

0335: 0335 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Looking for an HPC provider for a female in her early twenties living in Mentor, Ohio.  Individual would like someone to go on community outings with her such as; movies, nails, shopping, ect. Looking for services 2-4x a month. Individual is flexible with hours.

0334: 0334 – HPC – IO Waiver

This individual is a 49-year-old male in search of a 24/7 HPC provider.  He needs daily assistance for all ADLs, as well as transportation to and from doctors’ appointments and community activities.

0333: 0333 – HPC – IO Waiver

Individual is in need of HPC & Transportation.

0332: 0332 – HPC – Level One Waiver

Individual is in need of HPC services.
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