Let’s Celebrate and Recognize DSPs!
We’d like recognize and show appreciation for all of the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) that provide services to the individuals who live and work in Lake County, Ohio. In particular, during the week of September 12-18, which is National DSP Recognition Week.
Whether a DSP works for an Agency or ICF Provider, or serve many individuals or a family member as an Independent Provider, we value their hard work. DSPs are the core of the support system for individuals who have developmental disabilities and it is because of DSPs that individuals are able to enjoy their lives, and be successful in their home and work/day program.
The Lake County Board of DD approved a resolution at their August Board Meeting acknowledging the importance of DSP Recognition Week, and at the September 2 Lake County Commissioners’ meeting, they issued a Proclamation in acknowledgement and recognition of DSP Recognition Week. You can read more about that here.
We could not be more pleased at the ongoing dedication and efforts by all of the Provider Partners in Lake County. Continue to keep up the outstanding work!