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Corey’s Smile Shows His Joy for Early Intervention

It’s such a joy when families share how Early Intervention (EI) supports enrich their lives and empower young children.

As a Provider to the Ohio Statewide EI System, the focus of EI is to assist a family in meeting the unique needs of their child. Family-focused resources and supports are provided in naturally-occurring learning environments, routinely at a child’s home. Read below to hear how EI is making a difference to Corey and his family …

“Our family is thankful for Early Intervention through Broadmoor School and his teacher Krystie. Corey always had a big smile when Krystie would come to our door.  At every visit, she would see his strengths and what his needs were. We always had a plan at the end of each visit. Krystie always made it fun while learning! The support and tools given to our family will help Corey to grow. We are forever grateful for everything our family has learned.” 

Guidance and resources are provided to children through Broadmoor School, which is a part of Lake County Board of Development Disabilities/Deepwood. Children ages 0-3 years in Lake County who have been evaluated and deemed eligible to receive services for Early Intervention.

To learn more about EI services, please visit

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