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Deepwood Idol 2024 Video is Now Available!

Deepwood Idol is an annual event organized by the Lake County Board of Developmental Disabilities/Deepwood and we are thrilled to have the city of Mentor produce an event video so that we could share coverage of the event with all of you! To view it, click below of visit

This is a fun and friendly talent competition that was inspired by the American Idol TV show. It is truly a culmination of County Board employees collaborating with local community partners and volunteers to highlight the talents of individuals served by the LCBDD/Deepwood. Being part of the Mentor Cityfest supports our mission to empower individuals to engage in activities that enrich their lives and contribute to our community.

Thank you to everyone behind the scenes and on the front line to make this event a huge success! As you watch the performances, you’ll see why it was so hard to choose a winner! Deepwood Idol contestants were judged on their technical ability, knowledge of material, crowd interaction, costume/props, enthusiasm and personality.

The diversity in performances made it such a joy to watch this year and we look forward to the talents Deepwood Idol 2025 will showcase!

2024 Contestants:

  • Jennifer Cabot – singing
  • Lani Engel – dancing
  • Chris Dabson – singing/comedy
  • Danny Garry – singing
  • Aidan Clark – playing keyboard
  • Tanisha Carlgren – singing
  • Julia Tecco – singing
  • Kevin Hutchins – singing
  • Andrea Patrick – singing
  • Scott Frisbie – singing
  • Alex Cassano – playing keyboard
  • Matt Crosley – singing
  • Phil Gill – singing

Guest Performance: Special Olympics Dance Team Accompanied by Broadmoor School Early Childhood Students

Masters of Ceremonies: Matt Herman, Michael Shubert and Ellana Fishwick

Deepwood Idol Event Judges:

  • Jerry Cirino, State Senator
  • Dan Troy, State Representative
  • Judge Mark Bartolotta, Lake County Probate Court
  • John Plecnik, Lake County Commissioner
  • Michael Zuren, Lake County Treasurer
  • Wayne Brodnan, LCBDD Board Member
  • Sonja Maier, LCBDD Board Member
  • Judge Joseph Gibson, (Retired Common Pleas Judge) & LCBDD Board President
  • Pam Martin, Lake Erie College faculty & LCBDD Board Secretary

Our sincere appreciation goes out to everyone who attended the event and to our community and their efforts to raise awareness about developmental disabilities.

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