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Help Bring Special Olympics to Cleveland for 2030 USA Games: Take the Pledge Before October 1, 2024

Help show the Special Olympics why they should come to Cleveland in 2030! Destination Cleveland and the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission are preparing a bid for Cleveland to host the 2030 Special Olympics – the largest inclusive sports event in our history bringing over 125,000 athletes, coaches and spectators to the city – and we need your help.

Watch the great video below put together by the bid team below and then visit to take the pledge and show your support (this is NOT a financial pledge).

Please forward/share this information to your friends, family, and neighbors (a post is also on social media)! Act fast … the deadline for pledges is October 1, 2024.

    We need you! Hit the link and sign the pledge to show your support for Cleveland hosting this event:

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