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Adult Services-Parent Meeting for Strategic Plan

Dear Parents and Guardians of individuals receiving services through the Lake County Board of Developmental Disabilities:

The Adult Services Management Team would like to cordially invite you to our parent meeting on July 25, 2019, to be held in the Cafeteria at the Willoughby Branch, located at 2100 Joseph Lloyd Parkway, Willoughby at 6:00pm.

This meeting is open to all those who participate in Adult Services, as well as their parents and guardians.  The first part of the meeting will include updates from each program area. The second half of the meeting you will have the opportunity to participate in providing input for our new Three-Year Strategic Plan that will be facilitated by Jodi Travers, Community Outreach Director.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 440.350.5195 or [email protected].

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