Broadmoor’s School-Age Program was chartered by the Ohio Department of Education, which includes specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child or young adult (ages 6 – 16 years) with a developmental disability. All children have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which is a written document for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting that includes the IEP team.
Any child who meets eligibility category criteria as determined by the Ohio Department of Education rules and regulations—and who is referred by their local school district—is eligible for services and would need a referral from their public school district representative.
Services include specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. This includes adapting the content, methodology and/or delivery of instruction to address the needs that result from the child’s disability and to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum.
- Individual-centered curriculum with multi-disciplinary approach
- Emphasis on academic, emotional and social growth
- Computer-assisted adaptive technology skills
- Extra-curricular activities
Broadmoor’s full day classes are staffed by a special education teacher and a classroom assistant. Classes are five days a week and are broken up by age group and include therapy, physical education and a swimming supplement to the curriculum. The scope of service is determined by each individual’s IEP.
For more information about Broadmoor’s School Age Program, call 440-602-1005 or email [email protected].