Our story is the story of individuals we serve who have developmental disabilities, and also the story of our inclusive and caring Lake County community. This news section features important information about our County Board, as well as newsworthy items that our local community might find of interest.
Annual Guardianship Training Available in May
Are you a Guardian appointed by the Probate Court? If yes, you are required to…
Mark Your Calendars for the Basketball Game of the Year!
Broadmoor Bobcats and local coaches will participate in a the basketball game of the season…
Rosie’s Life is Rosier with Early Intervention
It's such a joy when families share how Early Intervention (EI) enriches their lives and…
Broadmoor School Open House & Resource Fair
We hope that students and parents/guardians will attend the upcoming Broadmoor School Open House and…
Annual Input Survey Open November 4 through November 29, 2024
The County Board is in process of developing our annual goals for 2025, and we…
Jack Has a Knack for Work at Crostatas Pizzeria
The Lake County Board of Developmental Disabilities/Deepwood believes in advancing opportunities for inclusive hiring. Today,…
Notice to Bidders: Concrete Replacement Project
Please see below regarding a notice open to sealed bids or click here to read…