Individuals who require a specific Level of Care (LOC) and meet financial criteria can enroll in Medicaid. Adults who have developmental disabilities may be eligible for Medicaid even if their parents are not eligible.
To better serve Ohioans with developmental disabilities, organizations collaborated to improve and modernize Ohio’s Medicaid Waiver waiting list in 2018. The goal of the new Waitlist assessment tool is to identify people who have a current need for services and match those people to resources that will meet their unique assessed needs.
Individuals will be assessed using the statewide Waitlist assessment tool. There are four possible outcomes:
Immediate Need
A situation that creates a risk of substantial harm to an individual, caregiver or another person if action is not taken within thirty calendar days to reduce the risk.
Current Need
An unmet need for home and community-based services within twelve months as determined by the County Board and based upon assessment of the individual using the Wait List assessment tool.
No Unmet Needs
No unmet needs at this time and/or anticipated in the next 12 months, either there are no assessed needs or that the assessed needs are being or can be met with alternative resources/services.
Not eligible
Not eligible for or placement on the Wait List or enrollment onto a Waiver due to no qualifying condition.
Should an individual wish to see the results of their assessment, their County Board may invite them to sign up on the Family Portal with the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. If someone does not have the ability to sign up for the Family Portal, a paper copy of the assessment may be requested from the County Board.
Should a person’s needs change, a new assessment can be completed by contacting the County Board SSA department and requesting a new assessment.