Our story is the story of individuals we serve who have developmental disabilities, and also the story of our inclusive and caring Lake County community. This news section features important information about our County Board, as well as newsworthy items that our local community might find of interest.
BJ Burr on WINT Radio
March 24, 2023
B.J. Burr shared his unique story with WINT Integrity Radio "They Sacrificed for Us," a program hosted by Bob Fratino and Sue Fratino, on March 14, 2023.
His story is a great example to highlight during Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Visit
https://fb.watch/jhrAC8HI-Y/ to listen as B.J. talks about his journey and employment experiences in our community.
Stop By the Job & Resource Fair / Hiring Event on March 16, 2023
March 13, 2023
Would you like to learn more about job opportunities for individuals who have developmental disabilities…
Early Intervention Creates Confidence for Avery
March 7, 2023
Early Intervention Creates Confidence for Avery
Broadmoor Bobcats Highlighted on Mentor City Channel
February 3, 2023
It’s exciting when the Lake County Board of DD/Deepwood and Broadmoor School receive broadcast coverage! Mentor City media representatives attended the Broadmoor Bobcats vs. Mentor Fire Department basketball game last week to develop a broadcast piece that speaks to community engagement, services provided to children who have developmental disabilities at Broadmoor School, and the importance of inclusion. Needless to say, Bobcats remain undefeated! Visit ttps://youtu.be/9hZ99QoxF-E.
Attention High School Students in Lake County
January 18, 2023
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and the Lake County Board of DD/Deepwood is holding an Essay Contest open to all High School students who are residents of Lake County, Ohio. Winning prize value $200/runner-up $100 value. Deadline for essays is March 31, 2023. Visit lakebdd.org for details. #UniquelyMeIn2023
Notice to Bidders: Fire Alarm Replacement Project
October 26, 2022
Notice to Bidders: Fire Alarm Replacement Project
Broadmoor School Open House & Resource Fair
October 24, 2022
We hope that students and parents/guardians will attend the upcoming Broadmoor School Open House and Resource Fair on November 1, 2022. This event is for all school programs (Early Intervention, Preschool, School-Age and LEEP) and takes place from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.
Siblings Make Progress Thanks to Early Intervention
August 22, 2022
Siblings make progress thanks to Early Intervention and teamwork. Call 440-602-1000 for more information about EI.